Saturday, December 29, 2007

Civil War Quotes

And in the end it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years.


A great though for the end of the year!!!!!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Civil War Quotes

With all my devotion to the Union and the feeling of loyalty and duty of an American citizen, I have not been able to make up my mind to raise my hand against my relatives, my children, my home. I have therefore resigned my commission in the Army, and save in defense of my native State, with the sincere hope that my poor services may never be needed, I hope I may never be called on to draw my sword...

Robert E. Lee

Monday, December 3, 2007

Civil War Quotes

"In your hands, my dissatisfied fellow-countrymen, and not in mine, is the momentous issue of civil war. The Government will not assail you. You can have no conflict without being yourselves the aggressors. You have no oath registered in heaven to destroy the Government, while I shall have the most solemn one to 'preserve, protect, and defend it'."

Lincoln's First Inaugural Address, March 4, 1861.